Which is why Yu, to his credit, wrote in the FT that "the People's Bank of China must stop buying US dollars and allow the Renminbi exchange rate to be decided by market forces as soon as possible." 这就是为什么余永定的观点值得肯定。他在《金融时报》(FT)上撰文称:“中国人民银行必须停止购买美元,并尽快允许人民币汇率由市场决定。”
Besides, according to relevant regulations, individual mortgage loans can only be released with the proof of buying house, and we should practice a mobile management on the rate of down payments. 此外,按照有关规定,个人按揭贷款的发放应以“房”作为认定标准,对首付款比例实行动态管理。
The report said: The risk of buying at the wrong time, choosing the wrong annuity or failing to find the right rate could increase the number of poorer pensioners by many millions. 该报告称:购买时间错误的风险,选择错误的退休金和错误的价格都将导致穷困的退休金购买者的人数增加,可能增加数百万。
So the Fed is taking a wait-and-see approach just over a month after launching a third round of bond buying to lower long-term interest rates and further delaying short term rate hikes. 美联储在推出第三轮债券购买计划来降低长期利率及继续推迟短期加息后,在一个月内采取了观望措施。
Behind the surge are several stimulus policies since the end of March, including greater support for second-home buying, interest rate and reserve requirement cut. 销量激增的背后是自三月底以来实施的若干刺激政策,包括开放第二套住房购买,利率和存款准备金率降低。
As a financial professional, Mr. Ouyang said he knew about repos but hadn't before thought about buying it, since the rate was almost as low as bank interest rate. 作为一名金融专业人士,他表示,他了解逆回购市场,但此前并未考虑过购买这一产品,因为其利率几乎和银行利息一样低。
Forward exchange rate also has buying cost and sell offer, so the premium of forward exchange rate is counted or agio is counted, also have volume two number. 远期汇率也有买入价和卖出价,所以远期汇率的升水数或贴水数,也都有大小两个数。
Middle rate is the arithmetic average rate of buying rate and selling rate, used for inter-bank. 中间汇率是买入汇率和卖出汇率的算术平均数。
Trade sceptics who suggest that there is no point in buying cheaper goods if you have lost your job should check America's unemployment rate again. 贸易怀疑论者提出,如果你连工作都丢了,能否买到更廉价的商品就没有什么意义。他们应该再去看一看美国的失业率。
Mr Greenspan admits that if China stopped buying dollars and switched its holdings into euros "it would move the long-term Treasury rate." 格林斯潘承认,如果中国停止购买美元,并将其外汇储备转换成欧元,“将推升美国长期利率。”
Buying them tends to push up the price; that tends to influence the yield down so it encourages a lower level of interest rate. 买进它们,导致价格上升;,导致参数降低,所以它鼓励一个低的利率水平。
American consumers were buying too many goods from a fast-growing China, which kept its exchange rate low. 美国消费者从快速增长、同时压低自身汇率的中国购买了太多商品。
"The only real buying of us fixed-income assets were primarily in agency bonds, suggesting that overseas investors were setting up for an upcoming qe3 announcement," said George Goncalves, head of interest rate strategy at Nomura Securities. “对美国固定收益资产的购买主要集中在机构债券,表明海外投资者正静候第三轮量化宽松的出台,”野村证券(nomurasecurities)利率策略主管乔治贡萨尔维斯(georgegoncalves)说。
Buying rate of exchange: the rate at which foreign exchange Banks and Brokers agree to Buy foreign currency. 买入汇率:外汇银行和经纪人同意购买外汇的汇率。
The Fed has been buying fixed-income securities at such a rate that its assets have more than doubled to$ 2000bn in the past year, leading the central bank to conclude that it needs more people to monitor the markets and to manage its credit risks. 美联储一直在大举购买固定收益证券,致使其资产在过去一年中翻了一番,达到2万亿美元,最终导致该央行判定,它需要更多的人手来监测市场、管理其信贷风险。
The buying power of the federal minimum wage rate is at its lowest point since 1949. 而联邦最低工资水平的购买力自1949年以来已经降至了最低点。
In case of cancellation of a remittance, refund is to be made only on the basis of the amount actually received from the correspondents and at the Bank's buying rate on the day of refund. 倘取消汇款,须待贵行收到代理银行实际退回之款项,按退款当日买入汇价兑换退还。
Our buying rate for notes is 827 Hong Kong dollars for 100 US dollars. 我们100美元现金的买入价为827港元。
Mr Eerdmans said foreign investors could evade the tax by buying interest rate swaps or offshore global bonds instead, while foreign banks are now offering tax-free fixed income transactions linked to local bond rates. 文彼得表示,外国投资者可通过购买利率互换或离岸全球债券规避此税,而外国银行现在也正在推出与当地债券利率挂钩的免税固定收益业务。
The construction equipment, which the construction company need is getting socialization, the shift from self buying to hiring. At the moment, the rate of the construction machine hire is around 70%. 随着我国建筑业市场化的深入,建筑企业所需设备日趋社会化,逐渐由自己购买向社会租赁过渡,目前大型建筑机械市场租赁率已达70%左右。
Fourth, dummy variable D_2 was also included for the sake of considering how the priority of the fund's buying new stocks influenced the earning rate of the fund. 第四,添加了哑变量D2,以考察投资基金享受优先配售新股的权利对于基金收益的影响。
The so called normal case means no influence due to politics, policy, profit, lost profit news, and means the decision of buying and selling made by an investor according to the price, the change rate of the price, etc. 所谓常规情形是指无政治、政策、利好、利空等消息影响,投资者依据价位、价位变化率等资料作出买卖决定。
The choice of buying-selling exchange mechanism is important to the exchange rate. 结售汇制的选择是一国汇率制度的重要内容。